F-Zero Wiki
F-Zero Wiki
Wind Walker

Nichi's Machine.

According to the designer, this machine's body is based on the pilot's worship of his ancestors and love of their art. In addition to these ancient themes, modern aerodynamics were also carefully studied and considered during its construction, and this allows the machine to the highest acceleration possible with its engine, the Louis Ram-JET ll C.

Its small turn radius produces a sensation of slipping while cornering, which may frighten pilots inexperienced at blast turns. Veterans racers, however, know this is a sign that the machine is designed to let them cut corners with small, well-timed blast turns. The machine may have paid for its agility by sacrificing overall body strength.


  • Max Speed Normal: 428 km/h
  • Max Speed Boost: 585
  • Boost Time (sec.): 5.3
  • Body Strength (/100): 50
  • Turn Performance: A
  • Turn Balance: D


  • Its original Japanese name is Crazy Horse, but this was changed for the US and EU releases to prevent controversy regarding racial insensitivity.


This machine has the worst shielding and traction out of all of the machines in the game. Such a combination would make pilots consider the Wind Walker as the world's fastest coffin if not flown with care, and thus, to get the most out of its wide, yet unstable handling, thrust vectoring through blast turns would be necessary. Its weak shielding would mean that it is extremely vulnerable to collisions from walls and other machines, as well as mines and any other obstacles, which may make finishing a long and violent race a particularly demanding task in itself, much more to actually win, especially an entire Grand Prix.

Fortunately, the Wind Walker boasts powerful acceleration and boost to escape from dire situations, but these advantages would soon be lost as the boosts are short-lived and decelerate rather quickly. Overall, this machine is not one to make a mistake with.
