F-Zero Wiki
F-Zero Wiki
Digi-Boy GX-AX Icon Pilot Quotes Machine Cosmic Dolphin GX-AX Icon

The Cosmic Dolphin is an F-Zero machine piloted by Terry "Digi-boy" Getter. To play as this Machine in F-Zero GX, clear Story mode Chapter 5 on Very Hard difficulty, then purchase the Machine/Pilot from the Shop for 20 Tickets. An alternate method is to insert a Memory Card containing save data from F-Zero GX into a F-Zero AX arcade machine.


It seems that Digi-boy, the young boy who boasts of being able to predict the outcome of races perfectly, designed his machine efficiently. The body strength is minimal, which matches Digi-boy's safe driving technique--he very rarely bumps other racers. Although it has an offset of a poor body and its turning is only average, its weight is deceptive, and is primarily a boost-focused machine. At any rate, since it was built by Digi-boy, it's no doubt a top-notch machine.

The engine initials are short for "Terry Getter" (Digi-boy's real name). Most of the difficult driving is done by the computer, which means Digi-boy can drive using only one hand.

Official Data[]

F-Zero GX Complete Guidebook (translated)
The F-ZERO machine was designed with minimal waste, as is typical of the F-ZERO machines built by Digiboy, who claims to be able to predict race developments perfectly. The body strength is low to accommodate Digiboy's driving style, where the risk of contact with other machines is extremely small, but the weight has been reduced to make the machine more boost-oriented.


  • The Cosmic Dolphin resembles the shape of the Blue-Marine from Star Fox 64.
  • The Cosmic Dolphins name is based on the codename of the Gamecube, "Dolphin."

